Tuesday, 15 September 2015

So what is it like to be ‘off’...
Awful, embarrassing, degrading..I could go on and on but simply put being off is a bizarre and strange feeling and above all else that helpless feeling.
Of course this will depend on the level of ‘off’. . For me prior to DBS all my ‘off’ times where harsh and dramatic, since DBS although I still go ‘off’ they have become far less dramatic. That said I do experience some weid and strange periods, daily. I may go rigid, my speech may be slurred, my legs wont work when they should, I may freeze, stumble, have an accident!! and so on….A complete ‘off’ (no meds and DBS off) is scary I have very little function and I really am a character from those zombie games.. but please do not shoot me!!
Regardless of the level or the reasons for it, I will never understand why I feel so embarrassed, vulnerable and no matter what I tell myself, boy am I paranoid! Anyway, it is real and it is part of me , so if you see Rusty out and about and suddenly he stops moving or acts a little odd be normal be yourself, as it is normal for me. And remember I may be ‘off’ but I am not deaf!
We should have a warning sign that can be erected to warn the public.. you know like the triangle sign for the car!!
The lightbulb Effect 'ON/OFF' Syndrome.... 

And just like switching on the lights I am back, optimised and raring to go!! It is no wonder that people's reaction to the ‘On/Off’ phenomenon is a strange one!
One of the first comments you hear from the experts is the strange terminology of describing a person with PD as On or Off. Basically ‘On’ means the meds work and you feel optimised and ‘OFF’ means meds not kicked in. The diagnosis of Akinetic Rigid Syndrome fits perfectly when meds are not working, in a nutshell I am like a warm blooded corpse, finding it difficult to function.
You can also be off in a cognitive way and a physical one or visa versa and 95% of the time both. Off in meds will be down to a number of factors the main being an absorption issue, the weather, having a virus. or over doing things etc etc.. This is why it is important that PD meds are not taken with food or close to eating and taken at the correct times. When ‘off’ I take a ‘rescue’ drug that is dispersed in water, it is absorbed and starts to work with in 2-3 minutes and will last no longer than 10-15 mins.
The disease is so unpredictable that planning anything in advance is near impossible. Infact every hour is different and believe me it is so damn frustrating. A life sucking parasite that takes bites out of you daily, wearing you down until there is not much left.. The sad part for me, when Off means one thing..HIDE!!!!
So what is it like to be ‘off’...I will tell you later………….

12 September 2015

wow here we are nearly half way through September and for me that means wedding anniversary time!! and yes I can recall the day. 14th September 1991, it was a Saturday and no footy!! although I did sneak off to catch the footy results..and got caught hehe! I will say more on Monday!!
On the broken bone front all healing and no major disasters so with luck all will be fine and dandy. Last Monday we had a trip to Bristol to see the Neuro team, they want me to stay for a week in December so I can be assessed... more on that to come.
Thursday our good friends Brian and Jan Davies popped up always ggreat to see Bryn as he always makes you laugh even thoughh he has PD. The man is amazing.....oh good luck on that bottom thing lol
Friday Dentist...hate it and even worse with PD bbut it was OK...For info there are specialist dentists around, they specialise in disability contact the NHSfor details.
OK time to watch MoTD even better as Everton will be 1st on after whoopi Chelsea 3-1..yes we did...

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

It is Thursday 30 July, I sleept 4 hours last night, first time over 3 hours in weeks, my usual is two and half, may be three!!

So day 4 with a fractured arm!! You never realise how basic tasks become diffiult. Notwithstanding my illness, things are difficult enough..a quick difficult list. Like dressing, washing. Last tight I tried to hold my gaming pad, very hard so no more gaming for a while ahhhh!!

Today I go to the fracture clinic..updates to come. what I do know is it is still very tender.typing one handed...I was slow before....

A visit that makes you smile

Great to see my little neices yesterday,

Monday, 27 July 2015

look out for.......

Just what is Akinetic Ridged Syndrome?

Mental Health and PD

Why do symptoms get worse with a cold?

MY SHORT PD STORY - Life before, life now and Life Beyond...

MY SHORT PD STORY - Life before, life now and Life Beyond...
Part 1
Life before diagnosis
My name is Russell Hale. I live in beautiful South East Cornwall with my best friend, wife and carer, Alison, and two just stunning girls, Jess and Louise. And believe me when I say this life don’t get any better than having those three stars with me through it all!!!..........

Entering your early forties is usually a time to reflect on what you may or may not have done since leaving high school. And looking beyond to the years ahead reflection turns into the 'what if'; So given the chance to do things again would I actually change the chosen path , and if I could what changes if any do you choose.

This continual self-appraisal soon becomes a challenge and like all good challenges I make and set the goals. So at some point in your forties you stop and ponder, and that deep searching question is broadcast over and over in your head...’did you achieve your dreams’?, and then one asks ‘what if I... but I could of if...’’ To ask the question and find the truth is a challenge in itself, needless to say, life is a challenge.

For me,I wanted to be a bus driver, then a train driver, seriously I did! but as a kid I yearned to put on the royal blue jersey and play for my beloved Everton FC... oh what dreams!!.....

Life before getting poorly was great, being married, getting a degree, good job, etc, sure we had ups and downs, but that is normal, but looking back it was great. Strange how you never appreciate it at the time!!.

Life now

I was officially diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease in August 2011. As we all know, the diagnosis process for YOPD is, well not easy! It took 2 years, every neurological test I could imagine, and 3 neurologists. Here is a piece of the long road to the diagnosis… To be continued….


Armed but not dangerous!!!!
Yesterday I took a tumble off the garden and fractured my arm...8/9 hours in Derriford hospital. Big thanks to the paramedics and A&E staff who where amazing. And to my neighbour who legged it over to help Ali scrape me off the concrete!!!

Thursday, 11 June 2015

7 March 15 - evening all ... On reflection a fair day at times very stiff and rigid which is just fine, but a lot of tthe day been a bit glum... especially when alone.. keep telling myself it will get hard/er so in the Rusty way I have decided to kick ass....soon it will all be over and then....
so its nearly half ten... this evening I managed a couple of frames of snooker ...no not a real table duh!! the virtual snooker league... check out my web site...
Skyped home which as always is brill but bloody hard.. moving on as welling up... please no more tears!!
oh.pic of my dinner!!
I can not fault the staff, they are fantastic, bearing in mind I am on a general ward for all neuro issues. so to deal with complex issues and adapt like they do .. absolutely brilliant. good night to all see ya soon

7 March 2015 -some day this is turning out to be..i feel really crap and to kick ur lappy died, got it back thou....Not sure but after the disaster at 5am I am playing catch up with meds..waiting to see Doc..mouth red as a beetroot
Amazing how the day changes, feeling glum then who walks through the doors... Jess and Niall dead chuffed and just the tonic. I hear a bleep... nope not a pager.. appo time BRB - and later that day....
Guess what I did?? no, erm no!! I managed to walk outside with Jess and Niall.. pic taken to prove it...ready for a nap...

7 March- wooo, what a crap night, i dare go to sleep more than 3 hours and bang i dont wak up in time to set pump or take sinemet. so for the next hour or so i am right stuck, dam shit this i hate it. anyway they get back on ....
5th March -Today has been so hard, after the appo went down at 11am. I really could not function very well. My emotions became uncontrollable, every thought of family well it was like the Niagara falls!! Now I really am deep in to withdrawing… this is shit!!

6 March- its 3am for some reason I am dyskenetic. loaded game snooker...not really in the mood!
Skype with Bryn Davies...he is a legend.. make me laugh. mum rings 4 times...eventually we speak. 
all quiet now, the Appo is reduced by a 1/2point. I feel rather stiff, but quite good. I manage a walk with the nurse, knackered now but it was great.
5pm nurse arrives to change lead.. my fault but the driver change was a disaster!! Consultant discussed the plan further... no further decrease until Monday!!
At last peace, happy just to sit here... really could do with out visitors just not in the mood.
Mandy, Dave and Shannon arrive- what a great surprise. With in minutes they have me laughing.. fantastic the came...Jess and Niall arrive also. I see a pressy lol, party on!! she is doing my washing...not undies thou!! I skype Lou and Ali, this is fantastic.
Wow!! Dad and Stu arrive laden with bags i don't know which way to turn....love it but boy i am hanging!!
I am now alone, !!

It is not final

Parkinson’s Disease! is not the final frontier. These are the blogs of the Rusty Hale. His new mission: to explore this strange new world after DBS, to seek out a better daily life after Appo-Morphine, to find new ways to adjust to living with PD, to boldly go where no Rusty has gone before….


Me, my Parkinson's journey

Parkinson's Disease and more!! I threw this page together to give a real life account of living with the disease, for me , family and friends read on...