Wednesday, 29 July 2015

It is Thursday 30 July, I sleept 4 hours last night, first time over 3 hours in weeks, my usual is two and half, may be three!!

So day 4 with a fractured arm!! You never realise how basic tasks become diffiult. Notwithstanding my illness, things are difficult enough..a quick difficult list. Like dressing, washing. Last tight I tried to hold my gaming pad, very hard so no more gaming for a while ahhhh!!

Today I go to the fracture clinic..updates to come. what I do know is it is still very tender.typing one handed...I was slow before....

A visit that makes you smile

Great to see my little neices yesterday,

Monday, 27 July 2015

look out for.......

Just what is Akinetic Ridged Syndrome?

Mental Health and PD

Why do symptoms get worse with a cold?

MY SHORT PD STORY - Life before, life now and Life Beyond...

MY SHORT PD STORY - Life before, life now and Life Beyond...
Part 1
Life before diagnosis
My name is Russell Hale. I live in beautiful South East Cornwall with my best friend, wife and carer, Alison, and two just stunning girls, Jess and Louise. And believe me when I say this life don’t get any better than having those three stars with me through it all!!!..........

Entering your early forties is usually a time to reflect on what you may or may not have done since leaving high school. And looking beyond to the years ahead reflection turns into the 'what if'; So given the chance to do things again would I actually change the chosen path , and if I could what changes if any do you choose.

This continual self-appraisal soon becomes a challenge and like all good challenges I make and set the goals. So at some point in your forties you stop and ponder, and that deep searching question is broadcast over and over in your head...’did you achieve your dreams’?, and then one asks ‘what if I... but I could of if...’’ To ask the question and find the truth is a challenge in itself, needless to say, life is a challenge.

For me,I wanted to be a bus driver, then a train driver, seriously I did! but as a kid I yearned to put on the royal blue jersey and play for my beloved Everton FC... oh what dreams!!.....

Life before getting poorly was great, being married, getting a degree, good job, etc, sure we had ups and downs, but that is normal, but looking back it was great. Strange how you never appreciate it at the time!!.

Life now

I was officially diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease in August 2011. As we all know, the diagnosis process for YOPD is, well not easy! It took 2 years, every neurological test I could imagine, and 3 neurologists. Here is a piece of the long road to the diagnosis… To be continued….


Armed but not dangerous!!!!
Yesterday I took a tumble off the garden and fractured my arm...8/9 hours in Derriford hospital. Big thanks to the paramedics and A&E staff who where amazing. And to my neighbour who legged it over to help Ali scrape me off the concrete!!!