Sunday, 31 July 2016


WHEN ENOUGH IS ENOUGH - This is my blog, my opportunity to express my self, and in doing so I hope other people may benefit or gain some strength, or at the very least it opens the channel for discussion.
My experiences of how life is with this disease, Parkinsonism (Akinetic Rigid Syndrome or ARS) is just that, no gloss and no bull s....t. I am never afraid to say how things actually are, after all if I can not be honest with myself...well you know the rest!!.,
I have noticed over the last few months more changes, some days are worse than others, for example:- Speach issues and choking - No this time nothing what so ever to do with Ali's cuisine!!!, Dystonia - Now the latest has been excessive chest pain and a real struggle for breath, Diskiniesa - Like the blog title states..shaker maker!! I move around more than Pickford's', odd because I suffer both coming on and going off meds!!, incontinence - Yep, the odd accident, and that mad dash to the lav..I say dash!! more like smash bang oopsy daisey's!!, Stumbles and falls - there ain't many body parts left that have not been banged broken or bruised!!, and a few rather inappropriate issues that shall remain private!!
I do know the meds are taking longer to kick in and then they do not seem to last, so yer in its self a worry. Sure the DBS is helping, but be mindful that the DBS is an aid to assist the meds reach their destination, . I know things are rapidly changing and i am finding it harder to deal with!!. Look, it's not doom and gloom,it just gets to me!! I really don't give two hoots what comes next, but I do really care how things affect Ali, my girls, family and friends.
Anyway, a few days ago I had a scan on my testicles for any odd signs, results not confirmed but looks all good, besides it ain't often I get told that I am good looking, which seemed a strange thing to say with my pants down!! I then find out I have to have a Radial Head replacement of the arm...nout like getting your monies worth from the NHS, (we are truly blessed to have such wonderful medical care). Anyway, my best wishes to you and thanks for reading..

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